Kontaktangaben Paartherapeut/in


Kasernenstrasse 17
8004 Zurich
Kasernenstrasse 17

Clinical Psychologist, PhD



2017-2019: Advanced Clinical Training in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (https://www.aedpinstitute.org/)
2010 & 2018: Advanced Clinical Training in Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples (http://www.iceeft.com/).
2014: PhD in Clinical Psychology (summa cum laude) by the Inter-University PhD Program in Clinical Psychology - Family Psychology and Family Interventions - by the University of Coimbra and the University of Lisbon, Portugal.
2010-2011: Trainee in psychotherapy, by the Portuguese Society of Constructivist Psychotherapies (http://www.sppc.org.pt/english).
2008: Master Degree in Clinical Psychology Cognitive Behavioral and Systemic variant (MSc). University of Lisbon, Portugal.


beruflicher Werdegang

2019-Present: Invited teacher at the advanced specialization in family and couple therapy about "Promotion of Satisfaction and Dyadic Coping in Couples" at CRIAP Institute in Lisbon (Portugal).
2014- Present: Individual and Couple Counsellor in Zurich
2014 to 2018: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University Children’s Hospital Zurich, Department of Psychosomatics, Psychology and Psychiatry, Switzerland. Project: How families cope with child cancer? A longitudinal study on the role of “we-appraisals” on child’s health-related quality of life.
2011 - 2014: PhD Internship at the Institute of Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology (children/adolescents and couples/families), chair of Prof. Dr. G. Bodenmann. University of Zurich, Switzerland.
2010 - 2014: PhD candidate fellow by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.